How to Buy a Diamond

Since the cost of the diamond can be up to 80% of the engagement ring cost, it’s a good idea familiarize yourself with the 4C’s of diamonds. Let go over them now.
Carat is a measure of weight for diamonds. The higher the carat, the bigger diamond if it’s well cut, and bigger diamonds cost more. Most engagement rings have a 1.00 carat diamond center but can start at around a half carat and can go as high as 3 or 4 carats. A good money saving tip is to buy a diamond a little smaller than your desired size. For example, if you want a 1.00 carat diamond, look at 0.90 carats which will look very similar in size and save you money.
The cut is the most important criteria for diamonds because the cut determines the brilliance and the sparkle which is the reason we buy diamonds in the first place. So make sure your diamond is well cut for maximum light refection. Try to stay alway from diamonds that are cut too deep because the means all the weight is on the bottom part of he diamond, meaning you’re paying for a diamond that looks small but weighs more. Also, try to avoid diamonds where their proportions are very spread out. Although this may make the diamond look bigger, brilliance will be lost so we don’t recommend it.
Clarity refers to the purity of the diamond. Diamonds are formed in nature and have natural imperfections formed inside them. More imperfections means a lower clarity. The cleaner the diamond is, the more expensive it becomes. We recommend and SI or VS clarity for all bridal jewellery. In most cases you will not see the imperfections with the naked eye. The only way to see them is with magnification and most people don't walk around with a magnifier in their pocket. So this is one area where you can conserve some of your budget.
When buying a diamond, you should look for a diamond that has the least colour as possible; the whiter the better. Don’t buy any diamond that has too much of a yellow tint or brown hues because this will absorb the light and reduce the brilliance of the diamond. We recommend colourless or near colourless which generally falls under the range of F, G and H colours. Most people have a very hard time telling the difference between colours. If that’s the case, you can save some money by selecting a lower colour such as I or J colours.